Biddulph Male Voice Choir is over 100 years old (See the History page)

In competition the choir has gained prizes at such prestigious competitions as
the Llangollen International Eisteddfod, and contests in Blackpool, Nelson,
Freckleton, Morecambe, Bourneville and Derby.
In recent years however, the choir has concentrated primarily on concert work,
undertaking a full programme of fund raising concerts at venues ranging from
small chapels to 1500 seat halls.

Biddulph Male Voice Choir is proud of the friendships and partnerships it has
established with bands and choirs around the country. This has resulted in many
tours and concerts in different parts of the country particularly in Wales and

In past years, the choir has toured Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Italy,
Belgium, Holland, the Irish Republic and much of the UK.

- We think that all men who love to sing should be given the chance to do so.

The health benefits of singing in a choir are well documented, and you are sure to make new friends along the way if you join us.

We are a registered charitable organisation:
Charity No. 1046347

West Midlands Male Voice Choir of the Year - 2023

Our Nominated Charity for This Year is Cancer Research UK